Industry Symposia

Saturday, 7 September 2024

Lunch, 16:45-18:15

  • LS-01 | AstraZeneca | Spadolini 3
    Advancing precision medicine in oncology diagnostics: the role of quality HRD testing, ctDNA, and biomarkers in detection and treatment
    001 | Nicola Fusco | Sequencing biomarker testing, guideline updates and AI integration in BC pathology
    002 | Simon Patton | Upholding standards: the critical role of quality and consistency in HRD testing
    003 | Gerhardt Attard | Navigating the maze: challenges and solutions in ctDNA testing

Sunday, 8 September 2024

Breakfast, 07:15-08:15

  • BRS-01 | Paige | Spadolini 6
    Revolutionizing pathology through immersive innovation
    001 | Juan Retamero | Revolutionizing pathology through immersive innovation

Lunch, 13:00-14:30

  • LS-02 | Daiichi | Spadolini 2
    All you need to HER2 know
    001 | Giuseppe Viale | Welcome and introduction
    002 | Grazia Arpino | Treating cancer in the evolving era of HER2
    003 | Roberto Salgado | Identifying the whole spectrum of HER2: lessons learned
    004 | Josef Rüschoff | Beyond breast: similarities in identifying HER2 in gastric cancer and differences in lung cancer
    005 | Giuseppe Viale | Panel discussion and Q&A
    006 | Giuseppe Viale | Wrap-up and meeting close
  • LS-03 | Johnson & Johnson + Diatech Pharmacogenetics | Spadolini 3
    Synergies in sight: navigating challenges of precision medicine via multidisciplinary collaboration in GU oncology
    001 | Gabriella Nesi | Diagnostic challenges and precision medicine in bladder cancer
    002 | Brigida Anna Maiorano | Current molecular landscape of bladder cancer: the oncologist’s perspective
    003 | Gabriella Nesi | Discussion/Q&A
    004 | Glen Kristiansen | Current considerations and challenges in prostate cancer testing
    005 | Rossella Bruno | Molecular testing in GU oncology: pitfalls and analytical strategies
    006 | Gabriella Nesi | Round table and Q&A
  • LS-04 | AstraZeneca | Spadolini 4
    Beyond the human eye: diagnostic advances in digital and computational pathology
    001 | Luiza Moore | Welcome & introduction
    002 | Bethany Williams | Seeing eye to (A)I: digital pathology is part of pathology
    003 | Fabio Pagni | Problem-solving digital pathology: attitudes, issues and solutions
    004 | Luiza Moore | Quantitative Continuous Scoring: a new frontier in diagnostics – updates
  • LS-05 | MSD | Spadolini 5
    Navigating precision pathology: biomarkers defining treatment, tissue and liquid biopsy synergy, and collaborative patient care
    001 | Matteo Fassan | Welcome & introduction
    002 | Matteo Fassan | Biomarker breakthroughs to treatment transformations: unveiling the shifting landscape in upper GI cancer
    003 | Albrecht Stenzinger | Unlocking the potential of liquid biopsies: overcoming challenges in prostate cancer biomarker testing
    004 | Kaikeen Shiu | Building partnerships in precision medicine: a collaborative approach between medical oncologists and pathologists for patient management
    005 | Matteo Fassan | Panel discussion
    006 | Matteo Fassan | Q&A and closing remarks
  • LS-06 | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Spadolini 6
    Precision oncology in every lab: connect next generation pathologists and researchers with NGS biomarker testing
    001 | Nicola Normanno | Welcome & Introduction
    002 | Nicola Normanno | Precision oncology in patient care (including discussion)
    003 | Geetha Monon | Exploring genomic signatures in Malignant Lymphoma: potential advantages for rapid detection of relevant biomarkers
    004 | Wolfram Jochum | Comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) in high-grade serous carcinoma using peritoneal effusion samples
    005 | Nicola Normanno | Discussion/Q&A

Precision oncology in every lab

Join us at the ECP 2024 symposium on Sept 8 at 13:00 in room Spadolini 6 for a deep dive into Precision Oncology. Experience the benefits of NGS Biomarker Testing in patient care & clinical research from leading experts. Don't miss it! 

Visit for more.

  • LS-07 | Vitro.Bio | Spadolini 7
    Addressing routine challenges in modern pathology
    001 | Guido Sauter | Introduction
    002 | Karen Villar Zarra | Tackling routine challenges: the power of automated staining
    003 | Miguel Angel Idoate Gastearena | Advanced HPV detection: molecular pathology strategies for effective screening
    004 | Melchor Saiz-Pardo | Pathology in the digital age: overcoming security challenges with cutting-edge solutions
    005 | Guido Sauter | Discussion

Addressing Routine Challenges in Modern Pathology

Information overload and time pressure are increasing workloads in pathology labs. Efficient technologies and workflow optimization are crucial. Join our workshop where experts will share how to manage affordable tools to overcome these challenges. 

Click to subscribe!

Evening, 19:30-20:30

  • ES-01 | Epredia | Spadolini 5
    Digital transformation: journey to a digital workflow
    001 | Catarina Eloy | Digitizing workflow: steps taken in the pre-analytical and analytical stages for workflow optimization, ensuring a successful digital pathology project

Monday, 9 September 2024

Breakfast, 07:15-08:15

  • BRS-02 | Eli Lilly | Spadolini 6
    Power hour: the importance of pathologists for the success of clinical studies
    001 | Lorenzo Gerratana | Welcome and introduction
    002 | Lorenzo Gerratana | Introduction into clinical study management
    003 | Giancarlo Pruneri | Biomarker testing in clinical trials
    004 | Albrecht Stenzinger | IVDR requirements for clinical studies
    005 |  Lorenzo Gerratana | Q&A and Round-table discussion
    006 | Albrecht Stenzinger | Summary and close
  • BRS-03 | Roche | Spadolini 7
    Improving the diagnosis of B Cell lymphomas in routine pathology practice: advances in clonality evaluation
    001 | Teresa Marafioti & Marta Cañamero | Improving the diagnosis of B Cell lymphomas in routine pathology practice: advances in clonality evaluation

Lunch, 13:00-14:30

  • LS-08 | Roche Diagnostics + Johnson & Johnson | Spadolini 2
    Pathways to precision: practical strategies for optimizing diagnostic excellence
    001 | Angelo Paolo Dei Tos | Introduction: testing pathway and patient leakage points
    002 | Deniz Nart | Precision oncology in lung cancer: enhancing patient outcomes through NGS and biomarker driven therapies - Ege University experience
    003 | Sylvie Lantuejoul | Optimizing the workflow to reduce failure rates
    004 | Isabelle Vanden Bempt | RNA-Based sequencing for simultaneous detection of clinically actionable fusions and mutations in solid tumours
    005 | Angelo Paolo Dei Tos | Round table and Q&A
  • LS-09 | AstraZeneca | Spadolini 3
    Exploring the expanding applications of ctDNA and pathway mutations in breast cancer diagnostics
    001 | Espen Walker | Welcome and introduction
    002 | Elena Guerini Rocco | The utility of ctDNA in breast cancer
    003 | Nicola Fusco | Emerging testing strategies for the optimization of patient profiling in HR+/HER2- breast cancer
    004 | Espen Walker | Closing remarks
  • LS-10 | 3DHistech | Spadolini 4
    Digital Pathology, IHC and Cytology
    001 | Catarina Eloy | Postponing evolution: why are we choosing to ignore the need for a digital transformation in pathology?
    002 | Felix Offner | Experiences with the implementation of digital cytology with Datexim and 3DHistech in Feldkirch, Austria
    003 | Yukako Yagi | Digital IHC, digital microCT
  • LS-11 | gsk | Spadolini 5
    Guiding clinical outcomes in gynaecological cancers with early and accurate biomarker testing, including case-based examples
    001 | Gian Franco Zannoni | Introduction to biomarker testing in gynaecological cancers
    002 | Josef Rüschoff | Biomarker testing in endometrial cancer: current status and key considerations
    003 | Vanda Salutari | Treatment options according to molecular classification in endometrial cancer: clinical perspective and case study
    004 | Gian Franco Zannoni | Panel discussion on biomarker testing in endometrial cancer
    005 | Isabelle Treilleux | Biomarker testing in ovarian cancer: focus on HRD and BRCA
    006 | Vanda Salutari | Impact of biomarker testing on patient outcomes in ovarian cancer: clinical perspective and case study
    007 | Gian Franco Zannoni | Panel discussion on biomarker testing in ovarian cancer
  • LS-12 | Agilent Technologies | Spadolini 7
    Changing testing in gastric cancer: a practical review
    001 | Mar Iglesias | Welcome & focus
    002 | Manuel Rodriguez-Justo | Case 1: The critical role of preanalytics in the context of case referrals
    003 | Matteo Fassan | Case 2: Assessing case heterogeneity effectively: from number of biopsies to tumour staging
    004 | Mar Iglesias | Q&A and closing remarks

Agilent Medical Affairs

Join our lunch symposium with a panel discussion of two challenging PD-L1 cases:

  • Role of preanalytics in the context of case referrals
  • Assessing case heterogeneity: from number of biopsies to tumor stages


PR7001-2710 | D0115931_1.00

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Lunch, 13:00-14:30

  • LS-13 | Roche | Spadolini 2
    Precision diagnostics in ovarian cancer: traversing from testing to treatment
    001 | Michelle Shiller & Domenica Lorusso
  • LS-14 | AstraZeneca | Spadolini 3
    NSCLC: the evolution and expansion of testing across the care continuum
    001 | Alexander Yarunin | Welcome and introduction
    002 | Giuseppe Perrone | Navigating the evolving NSCLC testing landscape: guidance for the detection of driver and acquired resistance mutations
    003 | Nicola Normanno | Plasma ctDNA testing in lung cancer: application across the care continuum
    004 | Elena Guerini Rocco | Evaluating pathological complete response
    005 | Alexander Yarunin | Closing remarks
  • LS-15 | Astellas | Spadolini 4
    The Pathologist's loom: weaving CLDN18.2 into practice
    001 | Matteo Fassan | Welcome and introductions
    002 | Lorenzo Fornaro | Unravelling the gastric cancer and GEJ tapestry: clinical insights into the current treatment landscape and emerging biomarkers
    003 | Philippe Taniere | Stitching the narrative: CLDN18.2 in the fabric of G/GEJ adenocarcinoma
    004 | Matteo Fassan | The Pathologist’s canvas: exploring CLDN18.2 expression patterns in G/GEJ adenocarcinoma
    005 | Matteo Fassan | Q&A session
    006 | Matteo Fassan | Summary and close
  • LS-16 | Illumina | Spadolini 5
    Illumina's journey in precision pathology: from targeted panels to whole genome sequencing
    001 | Giancarlo Pruneri | Empowering precision pathology: genomic tools
    002 | Giulia Cangi | Enhancing precision: leveraging small panels for oncology testing
    003 | Sergio Villatoro | Maximizing insights: comprehensive genomic profiling
    004 | Greg Elgar | Charting the future of precision pathology: whole genome sequencing strategies
    005 | Giancarlo Pruneri | Unveiling the potential: panel discussion on the future of precision pathology
  • LS-17 | Amgen | Spadolini 6
    The future of pathology: liquid biopsy, novel biomarkers, and tumour-agnostic therapies
    001 | Frédérique Penault-Llorca | Welcome and introduction
    002 | Lukas Bubendorf | Liquid biopsy in NSCLC: a discourse on controversies and advancements
    003 | Irene Esposito | The next frontier: FGFR2b and CLDN18.2 as promising biomarkers for G/GEJ cancers
    004 | Albrecht Stenzinger | Unlocking the power of MTAP-homozygous deletion: a tumour-agnostic biomarker
    005 | Frédérique Penault-Llorca | Panel discussion and Q&A
    006 | Frédérique Penault-Llorca | Summary and close
  • LS-18 | Agilent Technologies | Spadolini 7
    How can scalable, open digital pathology solutions advance diagnostic quality and efficiency in pathology practice?
    001 | Jake Eden | Welcome & Agilent digital pathology focus
    002 | Robert D. Goldin | Digitising liver pathology: from research to clinical delivery
    003 | Teemu Tolonen | Multi-site, multi-AI pathology: quality, efficiency, and lead-time impact through scaled algorithm deployment
    004 | Bert Van Der Vegt | Integration of computational pathology algorithms in the clinical digital pathology workflow: connecting the dots
    005 | Holger Moch | Evolving role of digital pathology in anatomic and molecular pathology laboratories
    006 | Douglas Clark| Panel discussion

Agilent Digital Pathology

Join us for a lunchtime seminar brought to you by Agilent and in association with digital pathology partners, Hamamatsu, Proscia, Visiopharm and PathAI.




  • Siemens Healthineers AG | 9 September 2024, 09:30-09:50, HotSpot stage at exhibition area
    Navigating the galaxy of data: a journey through digital pathology
    Dr. Svenja Lippok, Germany


Join us on a journey through the galaxy of data

Join us for our talk at ECP 2024 and discover a galaxy you've never seen before. Dr. Svenja Lippok, Head of Digital Pathology at Siemens Healthineers, will share her expertise on navigating digitalization.

  • SOPHiA GENETICS | 9 September 2024, 10:00-10:20, HotSpot stage at exhibition area
    Building evidence and confidence in liquid biopsy solutions
    Dr. Alexander Yarunin, United Kingdom
    Verena Schramm, Germany
  • SOPHiA GENETICS | 10 September 2024, 09:30-09:50, HotSpot stage at exhibition area
    Insights with impact: empowering laboratories with robust CGP solutions
    Verena Schramm, Germany
  • Sysmex Europe SE | 10 September 2024, 10:00-10:20, HotSpot stage at exhibition area
    Liquid biopsy in breast cancer patient care
    Maria De Bonis, Italy
    Prof. Angelo Minucci, Italy


Roche (booth no. 15) will offer 6 Meet-the-Expert talks during the follwing times:

  • Sunday, Sep 8, 13:10 - 13:30
    PIK3CA; Leveraging emerging insights to drive personalised care
    Dr. Nicola Fusco, Italy
  • Sunday, Sep 8, 14:00-14:20
    The Roche Digital LightCycler: a real world performance evaluation in a Dutch hospital laboratory
    Dr. Wouter Pattje, USA
  • Monday, Sep 9, 14:00-14:20
    Advancing precision medicine: PathAI and Roche Collaborate for AI-powered companion diagnostics
    Eric Walk, USA
    Michael Rivers, USA
  • Monday, Sep 9, 13:10- 13:30
    Seamless integration of Ibex's AI algorithms within Roche's navify® Digital Pathology
    Michael Rivers, USA
    Stuart Shand, The Netherlands
  • Monday, Sep 9, 16:40 - 17:00
    Unlock the power of in-house comprehensive genomic profiling with AVENIO Tumor Tissue CGP Kit V2 and the new foundation medicine HRD signature
    Robert Bulte, Switzerland
    Muriel De Vos, Switzerland
  • Tuesday, Sep 10, 13:10 - 13:30
    Gastric cancer testing landscape in 2024 and beyond
    Mar Iglesias, Spain