Group Registration

For companies who wish to register a group of 10 delegates or more, we offer the possibility of group registrations.
The coordinator of a group will purchase a minimum of 10 registration vouchers (non-refundable). 
Delegate names and contact details only need to be submitted 3 weeks prior to the congress.

The deadline for submission of delegate names is 15 August 2024.

To process a group registration, please submit the following information:

  • Number of vouchers (at least 10) / registration fee category (Please find here an overview)
  • Group name (e.g. name of inviting company, country)
  • Invoice address
  • VAT number

Please note that contact details of each participant are mandatory for the name list submission (minimum requirements: full name, country of origin and delegates' email address). 

If you are interested in this offer, please let us know about your requirements at your earliest convenience via e-mail:

Do you need 
further assistance?

Please contact us: 
Paulsborner Str. 44
Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49 30 300669-0

Abstract authors

The group coordinator has to verify in due time if any abstract authors (poster and oral presentations) will be registered within her/his group. Should this apply, the group coordinator is required to contact the congress office by 27 June 2024 (payment deadline for authors of accepted abstracts). Abstracts of authors without congress registration will be excluded from the congress programme and congress abstract book.

Please note that abstracts can only be presented (and thus published) on-site, not virtually! Please ensure that abstract authors who are part of your group registration are able to travel to Florence when submitting an abstract.

Submission of names

Please download the Excel file and insert all mandatory information (full delegate name, country of origin, delegates' email address and corresponding registration fee) in the respective form fields and send the duly filled form to

Confirmations will be sent to the group coordinator or, if preferred, to invited delegates.

Name changes: 25 EUR for each name change will be charged.

Cancellation of the on-site registration fee in favour of a virtual fee for existing group bookings is possible in individual cases. Please contact to request such a change. Please note that changing virtual registrations back to on-site registrations (second change) is not possible.

An account activation mail will be sent to each registered and paid delegate. Each delegate is required to activate her/his congress account with the exact same email address which has been forwarded through the group registration file and a password at own choice (ESP members can simply use their membership login, delegates who attended ECP 2020, ECP 2021, ECP 2022 and/ or ECP 2023 can use their existing login credentials).

Delegates can access their account via

Notice for groups with less than 10 participants:

Are you a travel agent? Need to register your clients online?

ESP members can simply use their membership login, delegates who attended ECP 2020, ECP 2021, ECP 2022 and/or ECP 2023 can use their existing login credentials.

Need to register 2 or 3 delegates by using different accounts?

Sign up multiple user accounts with Gmail. If you add “+1” (or any numbers/letters) to the end of your Gmail handle, Gmail recognizes it as belonging to your email address but it looks like a unique email address to the site for which you are registering an account. All e-mails however will arrive to your inbox.

Alternatively: Please send us the registration excel file (see button below) duly filled by e-mail. We will create the congress accounts on your behalf by using the personal email address(es) of your client(s).

After receipt of payment, an account activation mail will be sent to each registered delegate. Each delegate is required to activate her/his congress account with the e-mail address that was provided on the group registration file and an individual password. 

If you pay all fees on behalf of your clients, please send us a proof of your bank transfer together with a name list to If you would like to pay by credit card please request a credit card payment link via the above mentioned e-mail address.

Late orders can only be processed upon receipt of the payment (latest payment deadline: 23 August 2024).

We reserve the right to not process your group registration, if the payment is not credited to our account in due time.